
Maria Rogl

Embarrassing letters from Hitler
Ruth Deutschmann
Benjamin Epp
Sylvia Manning - Baumgartner
Nicole D´Incecco
And then the war, the war came. To us, the crew has come. We have had English occupation, we have had a French crew. There have been good people and bad people. Many have occurred in Dölsach, who were then already over Hitler. The majority, however, was for Hitler, because it has so called, we get a lot of money and now we are better. He will throw out the seeds and let the milk run .. Honey, everything to us. It turned out differently then was war, Hitler has lost. The war has come, and then you tell me in Dölsach. imd I know .. that no longer lives the wife, not the man for a long time either. And since you betrayed me. Who they have said that, I do not know. Anyway, it's been learned that I was with Hitler, in Klagenfurt at the time. I was with Hitler, and my father a great Nazi. Even my neighbors, the men there, all Nazis. And then it was called, which is to guard .. Our house is standing with a large wall. The wall is a ... been retaining wall for our local creek, because the village stream was dangerous, and therefore there is a retaining wall was built, .. The stream that has congealed on top. We were at the .. Side down, it could have go wrong. So they built a retaining wall, which has always been, I know. And on the one day each night, two British or French are standing with the MP. So they are sitting on the wall above. So our house has been guarded. And then it was said that this woman, this woman knew that Adolf Hitler wrote me a birthday, New Year and .. Thing. Beautiful, all around the outside in gold, were there such large letters, but so beautiful, wonderfully beautiful, that's been betrayed. And who? I was the wife or someone else tell me? And then my father said we hide it. I said: "Not to hide, and then they come and get us." I've got scared again. And now they want to have to ask, where is my post. Where's the mail from this Bödenler Maria, from Moidele, where is this post from Adolf Hitler? Then I asked who said that. Yes they have experienced it. Then they started, two floors in our room and the bedroom above the ground rupturing. We have had so wooden floors only. All boards have ripped it and searched the whole house. There are have been four or five that we have the Siggitzer where I'm at home, made the whole house upside down. Just because they have experienced it, by people from the village, so it must have been such. Who else could say the crew of the English or French, have what we had there. And like you wanted to hear about the letters, I have walked and I have everything set on fire burned.